Get Involved!

Dauphin County Parks & Recreation depends on volunteers, sponsorships, and partnerships to achieve our mission of elevating the region making it a better place to live, work, and play by preserving and protecting natural, cultural, and historic resources and recreation opportunities.

Volunteer handing a glass and brochure to a woman holding a baby

Volunteer: Dauphin County Parks and Recreation relies heavily on our volunteers. They are the backbone of our parks! From assisting with festivals to assisting in maintaining our parks, we offer something for everyone. Visit our website for a complete listing of volunteer opportunities and to involved today!

Contact: Liz Weiner, Program Coordinator,, 717-599-5188 ext. 2115 volunteer here

Health Partners Plans sponsor booth

Sponsor: Dauphin County Parks & Recreation elevates the community in which we live by leveraging partnerships to produce programming that is forward-thinking. Help us make the entire region a better place to live, work, and play by considering a sponsorship for the 2023 season. Click here to see this year's sponsorship opportunities! 

Contact: Michelle McKeown, Program Manager,, 717-599-5188 ext. 2117

2024 Sponsorship Booklet


Dauphin County Library Staff overseeing a nature journaling program with participants in a wooded area
Partnership: Dauphin County Parks & Recreation strives to partner with local and community organizations to further enhance our programs, special events, and facilities. We are open to ideas that help leverage community resources.

Contact: Michelle McKeown, Program Manager,, 717-599-5188 ext. 2117 for more information.