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Endangered Species Educator Workshop

bird in water

Thursday, April 11               9:00 am – 3:00 pm 

Wildwood Park                    $25 per participant  

Why are some species endangered while others are flourishing? Are the species endangered at the state, federal or global level? Join Educators to explore the concepts and issues surrounding threatened and endangered species, investigate “how” and “why” species become endangered and threatened, examine laws affecting these species and discover methods biologists are using to help species recover. Participants will take a short hike to explore the importance of wetlands to many endangered species and to get a close-up view of the endangered Great Egret. Dress is casual for indoor and outdoor activities. A morning snack and ACT 48 hours will be provided. Participants will receive the PA Biodiversity guide and additional resources and hands-on activities specifically for use in teaching students about threatened and endangered species. Activities are most suitable for grades 4 through 10 but background information is valuable for educators. Workshop is limited to 20 participants. Pre-registration required.  





Contact Name: Savanna Lenker Contact Phone: 717-221-0292 ext. 4 Contact Email: Registration Link: