
Treasurer's Reminder: The Discount Period for County Property Taxes Ends March 31
Dauphin County Treasurer Reminds Residents to Consider Paying Property Taxes before Discount Period Ends March 31
HARRISBURG (March 11, 2024) The Dauphin County Treasurer reminds property owners that they have until March 31 to benefit from the early-payment discount period for their county property taxes.
Property owners can receive a two percent discount on their tax bills, which were mailed Feb. 1, if taxes are paid before March 31.
While many people wait until the last minute to pay their taxes, county officials said, unfortunately, paying at the last-minute means you may lose the benefit of the discount if you get delayed by unforeseen circumstances.
And if you want to pay your taxes in person, the longer you wait to pay, the longer the lines and wait times will be, they cautioned..
If you mail your tax payment, you also run the risk of your letter being returned or lost by the U.S. Postal Service.
The discount period ends at the close of March, and even those taxpayers who lost or did not receive their bill will face the full price of their tax bill As the end of the discount period approaches, I encourage you to take a look at the numbers. You can save as much as $50, $100 or more, based upon the size of your tax bill, by paying now.
The Treasurer added a message to those who may not have received their tax bill yet: It is very important for every property owner to be aware that they should have received their tax bill by now. If you have not received your bill, or if you misplaced your bill, please reach out to the Treasurer’s Office to request a new bill. The Treasurer’s staff is monitoring for questions and requests from Dauphin County residents.
Announcements & Highlights

Treasurer's Reminder: The Discount Period for County Property Taxes Ends March 31
Dauphin County Treasurer Reminds Residents to Consider Paying Property Taxes before Discount Period Ends March 31
HARRISBURG (March 11, 2024) The Dauphin County Treasurer reminds property owners that they have until March 31 to benefit from the early-payment discount period for their county property taxes.
Property owners can receive a two percent discount on their tax bills, which were mailed Feb. 1, if taxes are paid before March 31.
While many people wait until the last minute to pay their taxes, county officials said, unfortunately, paying at the last-minute means you may lose the benefit of the discount if you get delayed by unforeseen circumstances.
And if you want to pay your taxes in person, the longer you wait to pay, the longer the lines and wait times will be, they cautioned..
If you mail your tax payment, you also run the risk of your letter being returned or lost by the U.S. Postal Service.
The discount period ends at the close of March, and even those taxpayers who lost or did not receive their bill will face the full price of their tax bill As the end of the discount period approaches, I encourage you to take a look at the numbers. You can save as much as $50, $100 or more, based upon the size of your tax bill, by paying now.
The Treasurer added a message to those who may not have received their tax bill yet: It is very important for every property owner to be aware that they should have received their tax bill by now. If you have not received your bill, or if you misplaced your bill, please reach out to the Treasurer’s Office to request a new bill. The Treasurer’s staff is monitoring for questions and requests from Dauphin County residents.

Meet the Commissioners
Dauphin County Commissioners are essentially the CEOs of the county, with authority over budgets and finance, debts, contracts, appointment of department heads and staff.