Funding Available to Help Dauphin County Homeowners
HARRISBURG – Using federal stimulus dollars, the Dauphin County Commissioners on Aug. 1 will launch a Whole Home Repairs Program to help low- and moderate-income families tackle home renovation projects that address general habitability, energy efficiency, handicapped accessibility needs and more.
Not only will the program help homeowners, but it also is structured so that interested individuals can undergo skills training in the construction trades as contractors work on the projects.
“The Whole Home Repairs Program is a new initiative tied to American Rescue Plan funding administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. We’re excited to start accepting applications Aug. 1 from people with owner-occupied properties,” Commissioners Chairman Mike Pries said.
Income limits for the program represent 80% of the area median income (AMI), meaning an individual would need to make less than $55,900 to qualify and a family of four would need to make less than $79,850 to qualify. Proof of income from W2s and similar documents needs to be included in the application, which will be available on the homepage under “announcements & highlights” effective 8 a.m. Aug. 1.
Grants of up to $50,000 are available to homeowners.
“We have funding for roughly 40 projects. Because we anticipate strong demand for this funding, unfortunately not all projects will be selected for grants,” Commissioner Chad Saylor said.
Applications will be evaluated based on financial need and types of repair work requested.
“I’m excited this program will both help homeowners and strengthen our workforce with people learning new construction skills. It’s truly a win-win,” Commissioner George P. Hartwick III said.
Those without internet access can obtain an application by calling 717-780-6256.
Announcements & Highlights
Funding Available to Help Dauphin County Homeowners
HARRISBURG – Using federal stimulus dollars, the Dauphin County Commissioners on Aug. 1 will launch a Whole Home Repairs Program to help low- and moderate-income families tackle home renovation projects that address general habitability, energy efficiency, handicapped accessibility needs and more.
Not only will the program help homeowners, but it also is structured so that interested individuals can undergo skills training in the construction trades as contractors work on the projects.
“The Whole Home Repairs Program is a new initiative tied to American Rescue Plan funding administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. We’re excited to start accepting applications Aug. 1 from people with owner-occupied properties,” Commissioners Chairman Mike Pries said.
Income limits for the program represent 80% of the area median income (AMI), meaning an individual would need to make less than $55,900 to qualify and a family of four would need to make less than $79,850 to qualify. Proof of income from W2s and similar documents needs to be included in the application, which will be available on the homepage under “announcements & highlights” effective 8 a.m. Aug. 1.
Grants of up to $50,000 are available to homeowners.
“We have funding for roughly 40 projects. Because we anticipate strong demand for this funding, unfortunately not all projects will be selected for grants,” Commissioner Chad Saylor said.
Applications will be evaluated based on financial need and types of repair work requested.
“I’m excited this program will both help homeowners and strengthen our workforce with people learning new construction skills. It’s truly a win-win,” Commissioner George P. Hartwick III said.
Those without internet access can obtain an application by calling 717-780-6256.

Meet the Commissioners
Dauphin County Commissioners are essentially the CEOs of the county, with authority over budgets and finance, debts, contracts, appointment of department heads and staff.