Mental Health Service Providers

Approximately thirty (30) agencies contract with Dauphin County to offer an array of mental health services to children teens and adults. The types of service include:

Case Management(County and PerformCare funded)
Community and Family Support Services(County funded)
Social Rehabilitation(County funded)
Outpatient Psychiatric Services(County and PerformCare funded)

Partial Hospitalization Services

(County and PerformCare funded)

Psychiatric Rehabilitation

(County funded)

Family Based Mental Health Services(PerformCare funded)
Inpatient Psychiatric Services(County and PerformCare funded)
Specialized Residential Services(County funded)
Supportive Living and Supportive Employment Services(County funded)
To learn more about the types of services and the agencies that provide these services use the following links to service directories:
Adult MH Providers 2015-2016